Compassionate Euthanasia in Raleigh, NC

Words cannot begin to express the feeling one feels with the impending loss of a loved one, especially one that has provided so much joy and comfort in your life. When it is finally time to say good-bye, the best service we can offer your faithful companion is a peaceful euthanasia. Our Comfort Suite will allow you and your Pet, the time, privacy, comfort and dignity in the final moments.

During this painful time, please remember that the Purr and Bark Veterinary Mobile Doctor is the “House Call” part of our Veterinary practice. We can come to your home, where your Pet is in it’s own, familiar environment. This way you and your Pet never have to leave your home.

The Compassionate Euthanasia procedure involves administering a sedative, so you can then take your time to say goodbye. After the second injection is administered, your Pet will pass peacefully on.

Your choices of after care include either private cremation or communal cremation provided by Faithful Friends.

If you choose communal cremation, the ashes will not be returned to you. If you would rather personally take care of your companion yourself, you may bury your Pet on your own property if legal.